Robbins Bros Circus #11

Posted By on April 25, 2012

Robbins Bros water wagon, 1938. I can’t tell you how many times I carried water from one of these. On the back of some of these water wagons was a midway sprinkler, a flat nozzle that when turned on made a wide spray. It was also good for taking a fast bath if no one was looking…Not because you may have been nude but because water on a circus lot is precious and not to be wasted. You took your bath in a bucket that you carried from the water wagon. There is a certain technique for taking a bath in a bucket. I will give you a hint:  you don’t start with your feet. For other needs–cooking, etc–you used a different bucket! Animals were the first priority with the water. They were first, then the performers. The water wagon is never allowed to go dry. The person in charge of the water wagon may get fired if he is delinquent in his job.

Thank you Steph for your kind comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Robbins Bros Circus #11”

  1. steph says:

    I just wanted to tell you how much I love that you’re telling these stories and tidbits. One day I accidently referred to my young children as “the circus” and I’ve been referring to them as such ever since (now on a second marriage we have half a dozen kids all in 5 years of age). Thus I’ve been drawn to things of the circus variety. Love, love, love your blog.
    Thank you!

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