Jose Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales

Posted By on June 25, 2012

Seen here is Jose playing the frying pans, most likely the tune was Rancho Grande. I first met Jose in 1956. My family went to visit the Escalante family in Los Angeles. Henry and Lalo decided to take us all out out for a Mexican dinner at Alvera St, a small Latino area where there were restaurants, night clubs etc. A great little place to go where one could find dancing and entertainment. After our dinner we all went over to the night club where Jose was doing his act. Everyone knew him but me. After his part of the show he came to our table.  I was introduced and throughout the years we became fast friends. Jose played not only club dates but fairs, circuses and did many motion pictures. He played himself as a little funny innocent, honest Mexican vaquero opposite John Wayne, Glen Ford and many others. May God bless him. A great performer and a great friend of mine.    Photo Dec. 1985.

Thanks Randy for the comment concerning Jose.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Jose Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales”

  1. Jose was also the voice of ‘The Frito Bandito’ commercials and many others. He invested wisely, because he bought that restaurant on Olveras Street which was his guaranteed work when he was in town, As you say, What a wonderful person, who gave great honor and respect to our Mexican Brothers and their hard working families. It warms my heart to see his beautiful face again, and always smiling.

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