Barrets Circus

Posted By on June 15, 2013

1I have very little info on this circus, other than that the photo was taken in Baker Oregon in the very early 1900’s. I am guessing around 1907. It truly is a beautiful wagon show. The photographer who ever he was …… got a great  shot. I this photo can be seen six tents. The question is can you name each one and there function.

Please read the comment from Gary Dielman.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Barrets Circus”

  1. Gary Dielman says:

    I’m the curator of the Baker County (Oregon) Library’s historic photo collection. I see that you have a photo of Barrets circus ( The library has the same photo in a stereoview by Martin M. Hazeltine, who lived in Baker City, Oregon, from 1884 until he died in 1903. So the date of the photo cannot be later than 1903.
    On the library’s website I identified the site of Barrets circus as being located on the narrow-gauge railroad on the south edge of Baker City. But after someone recently brought my attention to your copy of the photo, I’ve decided that, although the terrain looks very similar, it cannot say with any certainty that the site was Baker City.

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