Mark Smith

| August 24, 2012

Mark Smith and Tina on the back of the rosin back horse, Janis” Skeeter” Farren is running to the vaulting board.  Skeeter is the mother of Brad Farren,  he is the person responsible for all the latest Mark Smith photos. He also just sent a CD of a 20 minute show of Horse Capades produced […]


Mark Smith

| August 24, 2012

This was one of the tricks that Mark broke for motion pictures. I must have seen this in a dozen different movies, each time shot at angels which really made it look realistic. A must read comment from John Herriott. John “Red” Stuart has made a comment, Thanks.


Jungeland Bull Hooks

| August 24, 2012

First,  I want to thank Jerry Osborne for sending me these old bull hooks from Jungleland….. they date back to the early 1950’s. Jerry is the nephew of Billy Richards who, with Trader Horn owned Jungleland for a time in the 1950’s. Billy gave the bull hooks along with numerous photos and collectibles to Jerry […]


Jerry Osborne

| August 24, 2012

Jerry found the circus blog and began corresponding with me. Through him I discovered that he was the nephew of Billy Richards who was a part owner of Jungleland in the early 1950’s.  Before Jungleland Billy Richards had been with many of the circuses in the 20’s 30’s 40’s. Jerry has become a true and […]


Elephant Mahouts

| August 24, 2012


Kenya Africa

| August 24, 2012

Here is another of those mystery photos sent to me. I am posting it because of this magnificent elephant. The photo was shot in 1986 and the person with the elephant is Peter Davies. I can’t help but to notice the bull hook.


Cole Bros Circus #1

| August 23, 2012

Photo taken in 1936.


Cole Bros Circus #2

| August 23, 2012

Cole Bros winter quarters 1936. After an enlargement of this photo I could read on the back door of this wagon “The Wonder Show”. Harry Kingston has an interesting comment……. Thanks Harry. Another comment made by Bob Cline.


Cole Bros Circus #3

| August 23, 2012

A flagmen stands most likely looking at his watch as all trains had to be on a precise time frame, right on the very minute. The flagmen even had special watches with a time lever to set the time. Travel times had nothing to do with the circus. The scheduling of circus trains departure and […]


Cole Bros Circus #4

| August 23, 2012

Cargo and animal wagon line up. I believe this photo was taken at there winter quarters. 1936…. Notice the brake wheels at the top of each wagon. These wheels were turned to set tight the brakes while parked and applied as needed while on a down grade.
