Mark Smith

Posted By on August 24, 2012

This was one of the tricks that Mark broke for motion pictures. I must have seen this in a dozen different movies, each time shot at angels which really made it look realistic.

A must read comment from John Herriott.

John “Red” Stuart has made a comment, Thanks.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Mark Smith”

  1. john herriott says:

    Great stuff on Mark Smith. I met him once in Calif. but over the years my father told me about him and other trainers of that era. Mark was the trainer for a time at the Kellogg Arabian Ranch in Calif. The first big Arabian breeding program in USA with imports from far east.

  2. John "RED!" Stuart says:

    I like your BLOGS a whole lot! Keep it up!

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